why do I have red bumps, not pimples on my buttocks?

For years I have been getting these red bumps on my buttocks. They aren’t pimples per say, because nothing ever comes out! God please help me, I’ve tried antibacterial soap, change laundry detergent, exfoliating, letting it breathe, and gosh who knows what else! Please help me. I’ve read you can buy this cream that is made up of what snails release when they get scared but it’s so expensive. HELP ME it’s embarrassing!

They could very well be heat related…

Try baby powder which will help with moisture, and also give you a bit of “conditioning” / you could also try an strikers foot spray, that may help as out could also be caused by fungus which is similar to the kind that causes athletes foot…

…good luck to you if this isn’t actually a joke!