why do people with social anxiety disorder shake

Shaking is possible the most common symptom of anxiety, and one of the clearest ways to tell that you’re nervous. There are confident public speakers - men and women used to being in front of an audience - whose hands will shake violently during their presentations, because it is a part of anxiety and nervousness that is very hard to control.Shaking is one of the most obvious signs that others have anxiety, and one of the symptoms that causes the most discomfort. This article will explore the causes and solutions to anxious shaking.

Once in a while, you’re going to find yourself nervous. You may be on a first date. You may have an important test. You may be public speaking. These are all natural times to feel nervous, and unfortunately there is little way to control the shaking. In this case, you have healthy anxiety.But there are many people that shake all the time, at random times of day, even when nothing is there to trigger it. There are people that shake at work, at home, and every time they have a panic attack. This may be an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety is healthy, as much as the word itself has been demonized. Without anxiety, you wouldn’t have any idea what you should be afraid of, and if you were faced with danger you’d have a much harder time running away or protecting yourself.That’s why during little events, like the SATs, getting in a fight, or asking someone to marry you, you get nervous. You’re faced with a situation that is scary, exciting, or dangerous to you, and so your anxiety reacts as a result. You need that anxiety to make good decisions and stay safe.The problem is not the anxiety itself, and it’s not the shaking. As much as it would be nice not to shake (like a first date), shaking is a natural and healthy response. The problem is when you cannot control your anxiety even when you are not faced with those types of situations. When that occurs, you may have an anxiety disorder.