can blood pressure medicine cause gout

Gout is a very common form of arthritis. It is caused by elevated levels of uric acid in the blood. Uric acid is produced as a byproduct of the body breaking down chemicals called purines which are found in food. It can crystallize and form painful deposits in the joints, usually the big toe.

Certain medications for high blood pressure are diuretics. Diuretics increase the body’s water and sodium excretion. This allows the blood vessel walls to relax, alleviating high blood pressure. However, this can also cause an increase in the blood uric acid concentration.

High blood pressure, if left untreated, is a risk factor for developing gout.

Usually medications for high blood pressure will not cause gout, but they can exacerbate an existing gout condition

Being overweight
Eating a rich diet (common in developed countries like the USA, Canada, Europe, etc.)
Drinking too much alcohol
Having a family history of gout
Taking other drugs, like Aspirin and other salicylates, cyclosporine, and levodpa

If you have multiple risk factors for gout, you should take measures to reduce your chances of developing gout. It is extremely painful, and usually incurable. It is a much better idea to prevent gout than try to treat it.