can cellulite be reduced

Eat a clean, alkaline, unprocessed diet

In order to remove the toxins from your body, you must first draw them out from where they have accumulated in your cells, tissues and organs.

The way to do this is to consume alkaline forming foods (meaning they leave an alkaline ash in the body). All fresh fruits and vegetables are alkaline and should make up the largest part of your diet.

Hydrate and flush

You need to drink enough pure, clean water and organic hydration from fresh fruits and vegetables to keep toxins flushing through you. Water is essential to life and it is also essential to reducing and preventing further cellulite.

Just think about the effects/look of dehydration: shrivelled, lumpy, aged. This doesn’t make a cellulite free body with smooth, supple skin.

Drink pure water every day as the first thing you consume. If you don’t like your water straight up, some lemon juice or lemon slices.

Swap your salt

Seriously, it can’t get any easier than this: swap your refined salt (table salt) for Celtic sea salt or Himalayan crystal salt.

Refined salt is extremely acidic and leaches minerals from your body. It is also highly dehydrating (hello cellulite!) and so refined that your body will need to use its vital life force to try to assimilate this dead salt. Refined salt only adds to the accumulation of toxicity in your body.

Crystal and sea salt however are alkaline, packed full of beneficial minerals, give to the body rather than take from it and have a fuller flavour…if you can notice the difference at all

True detoxification – getting the waste out

When you put clean, alkaline foods into the body as per the first three tips, the alkalinity of those foods starts to attract out old acidic waste matter deep within your body. This is brilliant and exactly what you want as once this stuff has come out your body will have a chance of showing less of the toxicity through your cellulite.

However if you are drawing this toxic waste out of the cells and tissues they still need to be removed from the body completely. This is where your elimination channels come in. They work to get this stuff OUT so it doesn’t just re-settle in your body.

But here’s the thing: this stuff is typically really gnarly and not easy to remove from the body. Most people already have compromised elimination channels, particularly the bowel, so relying on your body’s compromised channels is not necessarily going to get the waste effectively out of your body. You need to help it happen.