eating oats to lose weight quickly

Foods high in calcium like Low-fat yogurt, cheese, & milk can boost your weight loss by 70% and also verified in this study…

People who got more calcium in their weight loss diet Lost 5 times more belly fat and twice as much weight overall than those who didn’t get enough calcium in their weight loss diet &…
The reason why calcium is magical for weight loss is that it suppresses calcitriol which is a hormone responsible for making you fatter so less calcitriol = more weight loss &…
Calcium also reduces your appetite so you’ll eat less & lose more weight faster like the women in this study here who lost 6 times more weight with more calcium in their diet.

Oatmeal is high in resistant starch (See green bananas below for how this helps you lose weight)
Oatmeal keeps you full or satisfied longer than any other breakfast cereal.
Oatmeal is high in fiber that research has shown to reduce belly fat.
Oatmeal keeps your blood sugar in check preventing hunger &…
Less blood sugar means less insulin & less fat storing and more fat burning (Apples & Cinnamon also do this)

Apples contain a very special fiber called Pectin &…

Pectin is a strong appetite suppressant that keeps you satisfied for long periods of time (about 1-to-2 hours longer than regular fiber) without using any expensive appetite suppressant drugs &…
In this Brazilian study women lost 33% more weight when eating apples before their meals & on top of that…
Pectin regulates your blood sugar which is also prevents you from overeating and better blood sugar control means less fat is being stored & lower insulin leading to more fat burning.
Pectin is also found in apricots, bananas, cabbage, carrots, legumes, onions, peaches, oranges & grapefruit

Guavas are high in vitamin C &…

It’s been proven if you get enough vitamin C in your diet you’ll burn 30% more fat when exercising &…
If you don’t get enough vitamin C it makes it much harder for your body to burn fat plus…
Vitamin C helps keep cortisol in check which prevents you from gaining too much belly fat.
Other foods high in high in vitamin C are Yellow Bell Peppers, Kale, Kiwi, Broccoli, Strawberries & Papaya.