foods that keep you feeling full longer

Eat an apple about half an hour before a meal and you will surely eat less. The high fiber and water content in apples help fill you up.

Furthermore, the pectin in them helps prevent blood sugar spikes that spur hunger. Being low in calories, you will not even have to worry about your calorie intake.

A 2009 study published in the Appetite journal notes that a whole apple increases satiety more than applesauce or apple juice.

An apple is one of the best mid-morning or afternoon snacks. So, don’t forget to carry an apple in your bag when you go out. Be sure to chew it thoroughly and eat it with its skin to enjoy all the health benefits.

Oatmeal is an excellent source of fiber, hence it provides excellent satiety. It even increases the appetite-regulating hormones, which helps control hunger. As an added bonus, oatmeal contains protein and is also low in fat.

A 2013 study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition notes that oatmeal’s high fiber content and protein help keep you satisfied longer than ready-to-eat breakfast cereal.

Being an excellent source of protein, Greek yogurt also helps keep you feeling fuller longer. It is also high in calcium and low in sugar. Plus, the probiotics in it offer many health benefits.

Furthermore, it has the added benefit of fat-burning potential that helps maintain a healthy weight.

A 2014 study published in Nutrition Journal concluded that eating high-protein snacks like yogurt as compared to high-fat snacks improves appetite control, satiety and reduces subsequent food intake.

An earlier 2013 study published in Appetite found that an afternoon snack of Greek yogurt (containing 24 grams of protein) led to reduced hunger and increased fullness as compared to lower protein snacks in healthy women.

Eat a cup of low or nonfat Greek yogurt for breakfast or as a healthy afternoon snack. You can top it with nuts or fruits, such as strawberries or apples. A glass of yogurt smoothie is also a good choice.

The creamy, smooth texture of avocados is packed with fiber and heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. This makes avocados a perfect fill-you-up food, as fiber and fat take longer to digest. Furthermore, the monounsaturated fat called oleic acid in avocados sends a signal to your brain that your stomach is full.

A 2014 study published in Nutrition Journal reports that people who add ½ fresh avocado to their lunch have a reduced desire to eat following a meal by 40 percent over a three-hour period, and by 28 percent over a five-hour period after the meal.

As avocados are high in calories, eat just half an avocado in a day. Add ½ avocado to a slice of toast for breakfast or include it in your salad or sandwich at lunch.