home remedies excessive sweating

Natural Vinegar

Intake of two teaspoons of natural vinegar and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar thrice in a day is an excellent remedy to cure the excessive sweating. Take this mixture on an empty stomach- half an hour after or before the meal.

Herbal Tea

Sage tea has proven to be a great remedy to cure the troubles of excessive sweating. Brew some sage herbs in warm water and let them cool. Drink this every day as sage is rich in magnesium and Vitamin B, which reduces the activities of sweat glands. This remedy is especially meant for stopping excessive sweating in the underarms.

Green tea is equally effective if you do not get sage herbs easily

Witch Hazel

This herb is a great astringent and antiperspirant, which gently dries up the sweating area. Tea made up of this natural herb can also be used

Cornstarch and Baking Soda

To get rid of excessive underarm sweating, apply a mix of cornstarch and baking soda under the arms after thoroughly cleaning them. Let it stay for half an hour and wash it off later. You can also add any essential oil as a deodorant into the mixture.