home remedies foot blisters

Vitamin E has excellent skin repairing properties, as it helps skin cells heal quickly and prevents scarring. You can purchase vitamin E oil or creams, or pop open a vitamin E pill and apply the liquid directly to your blistered skin.

Castor oil is a popular home remedy for blisters. What to do: Apply before you go to bed, and let sit overnight to help your blister dry up and heal. You can mix the castor oil with apple cider vinegar to further aid healing.

Witch hazel contains astringent tannins that will help to dry out your blister, keeping it clean and helping it heal. Use a clean cotton ball with each application.

Aloe is an anti-inflammatory, so it will help reduce redness and swelling that cause pain. Studies have also proven that aloe is as effective as traditional medicines in healing second- and third-degree burns, making it an excellent home remedy for blisters.