home remedies hot flashes women

Black Cohosh is a plant used widely in Europe for treating menopause and hot flashes. Studies show Black Cohosh to be just as effective as pharmaceutical estrogen in providing hot flash relief and one study showed Black Cohosh was effective at preventing excessive sweating

Flaxseed Oil

Fatty acids, such as those found in flaxseed oil, have been thought to be effective in reducing menopausal symptoms. Flax contains plant lignans which are similar to estrogen, possibly causing estrogen levels to stabilize in menopausal women.

Evening Primrose Oil

A general tonic for women’s reproductive health, evening primrose has a cooling effect on the skin and regulates the production of estrogen. It can act as a sleep aid due to its high gamma linolenic acid count, and increased prostaglandin production.

Red Clover

A plant containing high amounts of phyto-estrogens known as isoflavones has been shown to help reduce the intensity and frequency of hot flashes.