home remedies irregular periods


Ginger greatly helps regulate monthly periods in women. It promotes menstruation flow and also relieves women from the unbearable pain. Just boil ½ tsp of freshly grounded ginger in one cup of water for 5-10 minutes. Then add a little sugar or honey to enhance the taste. Strain this mixture and drink three times a day after every meal for around one month.


The warming properties of turmeric improve the hormonal imbalance and regulate the menstruation cycle. Its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties reduce the cramping. Take a ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder and add it to the lukewarm milk. Take it every day, until you see improvement.

Coriander Seeds

Take two cups of water and add one teaspoon of coriander seeds to it. Boil them until the quantity of water reduces to half. Strain the solution and drink it three times a day for a few days prior the onset of your period. Follow this remedy for one or two months. Alternatively, you can also drink coriander juice on a daily basis.


Being an effective emmenagogue fennel aids in promoting menstruation flow. Apart from this, its antispasmodic properties relieve cramping associated with premenstrual syndrome. Take two tablespoons of fennel seeds and soak them in a glass of water overnight. Strain this solution in the morning and drink it. Do this daily for a month to see effective results.

Or else, grind one teaspoon of fennel seeds to make a fine powder. Add this to one cup boiling water and steep it for five minutes. Then, strain this mixture and drink it.