home remedies phlegm

Onion and Honey

Onion has anti-inflammatory properties. It is an effective remedy for curing chest congestion, when used with honey. Place a slice of onion in a bowl and cover it with honey. Let it stay for overnight. The next day, remove onion from it and consume this onion soaked honey, 4 times a day. Take one teaspoon of honey at a time.

You can also have raw, baked, or cooked onions to help mucus flow easily.

Bay Leaf

Bay leaf is a very beneficial herb, which is a natural remedy for several health problems, including chest congestion. For curing chest congestion, one can have tea prepared from bay leaves. For this, you are required to take fresh bay leaves and put them into a cup of boiling water. Let it soak for some time. Drink it warm


To get rid of mucus-forming bacteria in the respiratory system, lemons are the best remedy. You are advised to add some grated lemon rind or a lemon wedge in a cup of hot water. Let it steep for five minutes. Drink the water after straining it. You can also this solution for gargling.


Ginger is very soothing for throat as well as a natural remedy for chest congestion relief. Add one small piece of ginger in hot water. Add two or three black pepper in the water and strain it in a glass. Stir it well adding one tablespoon of honey to it. Drink it twice or thrice a day to relieve congestion as well as cough from chest.

Another way to use ginger is to add one teaspoon of ginger in a glass of hot water. Put a pinch of ground cloves and cinnamon in it. Let it soak for some time. After filtering, drink it.