home remedies tooth decay cavities

Herbal Sticks: Chewing on fresh stem from neem tree is the most popular way to combat tooth decay and keep your oral health intact. The stems should be small, soft and without the leaves. Neem is extremely preferable for Pitta and Kapha Dosha and Licorice is good for Vata Dosha. Chewing these herbal stems that has anti-bacterial effect can protect teeth from plaques. In many parts of the world Miswaak or twik from Salvadora Persica (arak/peelu tree) is also popular as a herbal chewing stick due to its high in anti-microbial properties. Neem, licorice or miswaak can be used as a tooth brush to clean teeth. Chew one end of the herbal stems to make feel like a brush.

Herbal Tooth Powder: Ditching the commercial toothpaste would be a wise choice to make. I know it maybe something you are not used to know but you can easily grow into it. There are many recipes for making your own home made tooth paste or tooth powders. I love my tooth powder made from neem powder and salt. Many holistic tooth paste companies make toothpastes from neem or neem extract.

Oil Pulling: Oil pulling is a practice that involves swishing oil in the mouth oral and systemic health benefits. Oil pulling has been used extensively as a Indian folk remedy to reduce cavity, bleeding gums, bad breath, dryness of throat, cracked lips, whitening teeth and for strengthening teeth, gums and the jaw. Oils such as sunflower, sesame seed and coconut are very popular however sesame seed oil is the best of all the seed crop for oral health.

Gum Massage: This is the technique that is used by my mother-in-law. She told me about it when I was worried about my bleeding gum to try it out. She mixes 2 teaspoon of pure mustard seed oil with ΒΌ teaspoon of rock or sea salt and massages her gum gently. Her teeth are in excellent condition and they are shiny! This formula can combat pyorrhea, swollen gums, toothache, and bleeding gums as it strengthens the gums and kills the germs.