How are bone spurs treated in alternative medicine?

Magnesium — Magnesium is an essential mineral for bone formation and utilizing calcium. More than half of the magnesium in the human body is stored in the bones, and it’s required by the body for protein synthesis, nerve function and the production of the antioxidant glutathione.

One way to treat the symptoms of a heel spur is with a warm bath with Epsom salt. Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate, and it has many beneficial properties when it comes to relieving pain and inflammation. Add a cup of Epsom salt to your detox bath recipe, and gently massage your heels to release the pressure.

There are also plenty of great magnesium-rich foods that provide you with the magnesium you need to alleviate a heel spur. For example, one of the avocado benefits is plenty of magnesium. Look to spinach nutrition, Swiss chard nutrition, banana nutrition and black beans nutrition for great sources of magnesium. Lastly, pumpkin seeds, lentils, garbanzo beans, white beans, black-eyed peas, pinto beans, brown rice, millet, and dried figs also contain magnesium.

Vitamin B5 — One of the primary signs of a serious vitamin B5 deficiency is muscle impairment and pain. Vitamin B5 is responsible for helping with nerve function, specifically creating an important molecule called acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is used to send nerve signals to muscles; this helps the body avoid nerve damage and impairment. Vitamin B5 is also known to accelerate our healing process.

Some foods naturally high in vitamin B5 include avocado, sunflower seeds, eggs, salmon and lentils. Taking B vitamin complex supplements is correlated with lower levels of joint pain, enhanced muscle strength, and fewer symptoms associated with muscle or joint fatigue.

Proteolytic Enzymes — Inflammation is naturally reduced with proteolytic enzymes — a group of enzymes that breaks the long chain-like molecules of proteins into shorter fragments and then into amino acids. Research shows that proteolytic enzymes cut down on remission time and increase response rates; it’s used for therapy on patients suffering from intense joint and muscle pain, cancer and age-related diseases.