how lupus affects men

Though systemic lupus erythematosus is often thought of as a women’s health issue, the truth is men get lupus, too. And while the prevalence of lupus in women is great –- nearly 90% of lupus patients between ages 15 to 45 are women –- men shouldn’t discount both the potential of getting lupus and the seriousness with which the disease presents.

A question that often crops up when discussing lupus in women and men is whether the disease affects the sexes differently.

A number of studies have been conducted to see if differences exist, though results vary -– almost as much as the differences in the tests themselves (how they were conducted,

Pleurisy (inflammation of the sac around the lungs)
Renal (kidney) disease
Discoid lupus (reddish, scaly skin)
Hemolytic anemia (from the destruction of red blood cells)
Lupus anticoagulant (can promote abnormal blood clotting)
And while those differences may exist, lupus’ similarities in men and women, especially with regard to symptom manifestations, are many. For example, while discoid lupus may be more common in males, lesions look the same in both sexes.