how to get rid of pimples on arms

Coconut oil is one of the best remedies to treat red bumps on arms. As coconut oil is pure it has moisturising capacity. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. One must apply coconut oil on red bumps on arms, bumps on back of arms and bumps on upper arms. The coconut oil must be applied immediately after bath, as the skin will be moist and the coconut oil will help to keep moisture for long time. Coconut oil, can also be eaten, one or two tablespoons of coconut oil, when consumed is also good for skin

Baking soda will act as a scrub to remove dead skin cells and this will help to remove the red bumps on arms. The person suffering with bumps on upper arms, bumps on back of arms need to make a paste with this baking soda with water. Then on damp skin, rub this paste in circle motion and then rinse it with warm water. After that the skin have to be moisturized. For good results, it can be done three to four times a week.

Olive Oil

For treating red bumps on arms and bumps on upper arms, Olive oil is used. As it moisturizes the skin and has vitamin E it is used for treating bumps on back of arms. Olive oil is mixed with sugar and honey and applied on small bumps on arms. Extra Virgin olive oil can directly be applied on skin regularly.

Apple Cider Vinegar

The best remedy to get rid of small bumps on arms is using Apple Cider Vinegar. It has astringent properties which will open the skin pores. Take equal quantity of water with apple cider vinegar and apply on the small bumps on arms and bumps on upper arms, then leave it for five to ten minutes and then wash it. Repeat it two to three times a day. Person suffering with these red bumps on arms can also mix this apple cider vinegar with coconut oil and add soya to it and apply it on the red bumps. For best results, apply four to five times a week.