how to get rid of pimples on lip

Proper Choice Of Lip Make Up

Pimples in most cases normally show up when air pores are clogged. Some of the makeup applied on the lips may result into this unfortunate situation. Careful selection of whatever you apply on your face is thus an important aspect in the treatment and prevention of the pimples. ‘Light’ makeup with little in the way of pigment is recommended. Coconut oil should be avoided while olive oil and panthenol are good for lip makeup. The two also do not irritate.

For treatment purposes, Kiehl’s Light Lip Gloss is recommended. The lipsticks used should never be ones that can attract dust or any form of dirt to the lips as this would result in clogging.

Herbs To Get Rid Of A Pimple On Your Lip

Eucalyptus, castor oils, neem and basil are among the best known herbal remedies for the eruption of pimples. These help when directly applied to the affected regions at consistent intervals.

Whenever the lip pimple surfaces, do not blame it entirely on your lipstick or other lip makeup for it may as well be caused by the face care products you use. The face soaps, lotions and other washes should also be varied when treating the lip pimples for they have in most cases also been found to be a major cause of the problem. Face cleansers such as tea tree oil, lavender oil and even the arctium lappa are known to be the best for avoiding or eradicating the most stubborn pimples.

Use benzoyl peroxide. This is considered a very effective acne treatment. It works by killing any bacteria in the area and can clear up pimples quickly. This is an OTC product and should be easily available at drug stores.[1]
Be cautious when applying this around your mouth. If your acne is directly on your lips, you may want to forgo this treatment and use some of the non-chemical treatments below.