important period problems women should not ignore

Changes Before Your Period may Mimic Pregnancy

Not all pregnancy-associated reactions of your body indicate actual pregnancy. Your periods could trigger the onset of such symptoms, too.

As we have already established, in the days leading up to your periods, your body thickens and prepares the lining of your uterus in case a pregnancy occurs.

Your body does so by secreting certain hormones that contribute to creating this uterine lining that will secure and nourish the embryo.

When your body secretes said hormones, such as progesterone, it may result in body changes similar to what occurs with pregnancy, such as water retention resulting in stomach bloating.

Prolonged or Heavy Bleeding may Indicate Fibroids

Many women tend to overlook heavy bleeding. Some might not even notice they are bleeding more than they usually do in a particular cycle, and they are using more sanitary products than they normally would.

Some women’s periods may last longer than the typical 3 to 7 days, but they may discount the importance of that as well.

However, heavy bleeding during periods and cycles that stretch beyond 7 or 8 days might be indicative of a fibroid growth. A fibroid is a noncancerous, fibrous and muscular growth that appears in or around the uterus.

Heavy and prolonged bleeding is the most commonly reported symptom among women suffering from fibroids, according to a 2014 study published in The International Journal of Women’s Health.

Occasionally, you may also notice the presence of blood clots in your menstrual flow. This, too, can be a sign of fibroids.

Excessive Menstrual Pain may Indicate Endometriosis

Abdominal pain and cramps are common complaints during period cycles when the uterine wall is shedding itself.

During periods, the endometrium produces prostaglandin, a hormone that induces inflammation and pain.

However, severely debilitating pain in the lower abdominal region and pelvic area that affects your ability to carry out daily activities in a major way can be indicative of endometriosis.

Endometriosis is an inflammatory disorder in which the uterine tissue, that is typically supposed to grow and stay inside the uterus, grows outside the uterus. This tissue also forms the uterine lining, which breaks down during periods.

When the tissue grows outside the uterus, it continues to function like normal uterine tissue, breaking down and bleeding.

However, the blood and disintegrated tissue no longer have an exit route out of the body. Over time, this causes painful swelling and lesions, which become even more painful during periods.

Furthermore, the body produces a higher and abnormal amount of prostaglandin in endometriosis, according to a 2013 study by Japanese researchers.

Irregular Periods may Indicate a Hormonal Disorder

While it is considered normal to have irregular periods when one is younger, if this situation persists well into your early 20s or later, it can be a cause for concern.

If irregular periods accompany other symptoms, such as obesity, excessive facial and body hair, hair loss and acne, it could be a sign of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

In people who have PCOS, cysts form in the ovaries due to the activity of excess testosterone (a male sex hormone) in the body.

These cysts stop the eggs from being released from the ovaries and obstruct the entire menstruation process. This causes often-missed periods.