is rum good for cold and cough

Rum connoisseurs most certainly believe that Rum, with its rich and smooth texture; sweet flavour and unique taste; is the best alcoholic beverage of the biting cold winter season. There are no fans of Rum, there are just lovers! And true Rum lovers will not trade even the best single malts of Whiskey for their favourite brand of Rum, especially in the winter season.

Rum lovers do not need a reason to delve into this intoxicating drink but we would still like to bring out some must-known facts about this delicious beverage. Its popularity during winter season dates back to the 17th century and the Caribbean sugarcane plantations

Rum is believed to possess medicinal properties. When consumed in moderation, rum helps to relieve stress and stabilize blood pressure levels. More importantly, sickness at times, is a state of mind. And Rum gives an instant boost to energy levels.

Rum lovers swear by this delicious drink to challenge extreme cold wave conditions. When the weather outside is cold Rum raises their body temperature