Sampaguita and aloe vera extract as hair grower?

Hair loss is a problem that faces millions of people, including men, women and even children. Aloe Vera has been used by many different cultures to stimulate hair growth, and it is safe, natural and affordable. It’s no secret that Aloe Vera is good for your hair and scalp. If you are suffering from excessive hair loss, reducing the amount of chemicals you put in your hair is an important first step.

Use aloe Vera gel to treat the areas of the scalp that are going bald. Aloe Vera contains an enzyme that helps promote new hair growth for some people. The gel can be applied directly to the scalp, as aloe Vera typically has no side effects.

      Sampaguita, the national flower of the Philippines, It’s fragrance can be a bit cloying in a small space like an automobile, hanging from the rear-view mirror… but out in a natural setting like a garden, an occasional whiff of sweet scent drifting over from a large flowering bush is most pleasant, the researcher will use the Sampaguita extract as a fragrant to Aloe Vera extract.