the mma workout you can do at home

The workout consists of a warmup, a station workout, and an additional set of grip strength moves. The station workout consists of five stations, each with a set of exercises, performed back-to-back. Do as many reps as possible at each station in five minutes, rest 60 seconds, and move on to the next station. You’ll do that station workout three times, for a total of 15 stations.

The station workout is designed to a 5-minute, 5-round fight.


Starts with sprints to raise your heart rate and engage the muscle fibers that are responsible for powerful, explosive movements.

Sprint 25 meters. Walk back to start. Repeat for 5 minutes

Station Workout

Take a 60 second break between each station

Station 1

Designed to challenge your upper-body strength and muscle endurance with push-ups for the arms and chest, jumping jacks for continued endurance, and bench dips for triceps and back. Repeat this station continuously a full 5 minutes before moving on to next.

Pushups - 15 reps

Jumping Jacks - 15 reps

Bench Dips - 15 reps

Repeat this station continuously full 5 minutes before moving on to next.

Station 2

This full-body circuit focuses on increasing the body’s capacity to perform under extreme levels of exertion and to resist fatigue. Start with a heavy bag burpee, which builds power and strength to help with lifts and takedowns. Then lightens it to a 25-lb dumbbell and does clean and presses. Then just burpees with 15-lb dumbbells, and finally, just burpees with his bodyweight.

Repeat this station continuously full 5 minutes before moving on to next.

Heavy Bag Burpees - 10 reps

Burpee Clean and Press/25-lb dumbbell - 10 reps

Burpees with 15-lb dumbbell - 10 reps

Top 10 Kettlebell Mistakes
Burpees - 10 reps

Repeat this station continuously full 5 minutes before moving on to next.