ways to cope with stress when highly sensitive

Practice deep breathing by learning how to breathe correctly. Many people breathe from their chests instead of from deep in their abdomens. When you encounter a stressful situation, let it become an automatic response to start deep, relaxed breathing. Watch a baby breathe this slow, rhythmical way to see how it is done. To practice, lie down and place your right hand on your abdomen, just below your belly button. Place your left hand on your upper chest. Close your eyes and breathe through your nose. If you are breathing correctly, your right hand will gently rise as you inhale, but your left hand will not. Your right hand will sink as you breathe out.

Exercise regularly. Physical activity is a good way to work off stress. For highly sensitive people, some of the best exercises include yoga and tai chi, which are calming, rather than more active disciplines such as running, aerobics or weight lifting. However, any activity to release stress and tension from your muscles is helpful.

Get plenty of sleep, as it will help soothe your overworked senses and help you cope with a sometimes overwhelming world. Less than 7 hours of sleep causes problems with concentration and staying on task for most people. Use earplugs or a white noise machine if you cannot control noise in your environment that causes you to lose sleep.