Ways to save money on yoga

Find Community Classes

Almost every studio offers at least one reduced-fee or by-donation class per week.

Yoga studios know class fees are too expensive for some people, but they want to make yoga accessible to everyone, so they offer these classes at a lower price. In the Bethesda, Maryland, studio I frequent most often, the community classes are usually full.

Take Advantage of Introductory Specials

Most studios offer a deep discount on the first week or two, and sometimes even the first month of classes.

If the regular monthly rate for unlimited classes is $100, the studio might have an introductory special of $50 for the first month. If you go to three classes per week, that’s only $4.17 per class.

Since many metropolitan areas now have as many yoga studios as hair salons, you should have no trouble getting six months of classes at deeply discounted rates.

Barter With a Yoga Instructor

Despite the high prices for yoga classes, most yoga instructors aren’t getting rich from teaching. In fact, their love of yoga likely motivates many teachers more than the earning potential.

If you have a desirable service you could provide, you might be able to arrange a trade. Here’s a good explanation of how to barter.