ways to show your appreciation

Praise something your coworker has done well. Identify the specific actions that you found admirable. This praise feels sincere since you took the time to spell out details—not just, “You did a good job.” You also emphasize the actions that you’d like to see the employee do more often and everybody benefits when people experience clear direction.

Say thank you. Show your appreciation for their hard work and contributions. And, don’t forget to say please often as well. Social niceties do belong at work. A more gracious, polite, civilized workplace is appreciated by all.

Ask your coworkers about their important interests. Questions and acknowledgments about their family, their hobby, their weekend or a special event they attended are always welcome. Your genuine interest—as opposed to being nosey—causes people to feel valued and cared about. Demonstrate this interest regularly by asking questions such as, “How did Johnny’s tournament turn out this weekend?”
Offer staff members flexible scheduling for the holidays, if feasible. If work coverage is critical, post a calendar so people can balance their time off with that of their coworkers. (Note that a flexible work schedule is a benefit that employees desire all of the time.)