what are basic writing disabilities

Writing is difficult. Most writers could relate to the frustration expressed by this student. Writing is a complex process that draws on:
our knowledge of the topic
our ability to anticipate what readers will need
our ability to logically organize information
our skill at finding the right words
our ability to evaluate our efforts
the perseverance to keep working

Writers must set goals, integrate the many cognitive and social processes involved, and monitor their own success. Students with LD are not the only ones who struggle with writing. In fact, the National Assessment of Educational Progress rated only 28% of fourth-grade, 31% of eighth-grade, and 24% of twelfth-grade students as proficient.1 However, for students with LD, the difficulties are greater. In comparison to their normally achieving peers, students with LD have:
less knowledge about writing
less skill with language
substantial difficulties with spelling and handwriting
less effective strategies for writing

Consequently, their compositions are shorter, less organized and coherent, more marked by errors in spelling and grammar, and lower in overall quality.
Parents often wonder to what extent reading and writing disabilities are connected. Reading and writing are closely related language skills; research shows substantial correlations between reading and writing achievement. Most poor readers also struggle with writing. However, the reverse is not necessarily true. All of the following can produce writing problems, independent of reading problems:
fine motor problems that affect handwriting
attention and self-regulation problems that affect persistence and organization
limited motivation
limited instruction
In addition, some students who overcome their reading problems will continue to struggle with spelling and writing. Thus, it is important that your child’s writing problems be assessed, in addition to any reading problems, so that she is provided carefully designed writing instruction.