What are some natural remedies used to sooth an infant during a cold?

Lots of rest

Fighting an infection takes energy and can wear a child out. When your child’s resting, he’s healing. And that’s exactly what he needs to do.

What to do

When he’s not sleeping, encourage quiet activities. If he’s old enough, read to him, let him watch a favorite video, or offer him crayons and paper or a coloring book. Teach him finger rhymes (like “The Itsy Bitsy Spider”) or bring him the phone so he can chat with Grandma.

Saline drops and a bulb syringe

Drops clear the nose when kids are too young to blow their nose.

What to do

Tip your child’s head back and squeeze two or three saline drops into each nostril to thin and loosen the mucus. Try to keep his head still afterward for 15 to 30 seconds.

Squeeze the bulb of the syringe, then gently insert the rubber tip into his nostril. Gently close off the other nostril with your finger. Slowly release the bulb to collect mucus and saline solution. Remove the syringe and squeeze the bulb to expel the mucus into a tissue. Wipe the syringe and repeat with the other nostril. Repeat procedure if needed.