what blood pressure is considered stroke level

High blood pressure means that the force of the
blood pushing against the sides of your arteries is
consistently in the high range. This can lead to stroke,
heart attack, heart failure or kidney failure.
Two numbers represent blood pressure. The higher
(systolic) number shows the pressure while the heart
is beating. The lower (diastolic) number shows the
pressure when the heart is resting between beats. The
systolic number is always listed first

A blood pressure reading of less than 120 over 80
is considered normal for adults. A blood pressure
reading equal to or higher than 140 over 90 is high.
Blood pressure between 120–139/80–89 is considered
“prehypertension” and requires lifestyle changes to
reduce the risk of stroke.

igh blood pressure is the single most important risk
factor for stroke because it’s the No. 1 cause of stroke.
HBP adds to your heart’s workload and damages your
arteries and organs over time. Compared to people
whose blood pressure is normal, people with HBP are
more likely to have a stroke.

This is an ischemic stroke
. High blood pressure causes damage to the inner lining
of the blood vessels. This adds to any blockage that is
already within the artery wall.
About 13 percent of strokes occur when a blood vessel
ruptures in or near the brain. This is a
. Chronic HBP or aging blood vessels are the
main causes of this type of stroke. HBP puts more
pressure on the blood vessels until they can no longer
maintain the pressure and the blood vessel ruptures
over time.
Who is at high