why quality and quantity of calories matters

Low Quality Food = Chemical/hormonal reactions

Do you think it would be beneficial if your daily diet was composed of 1,500 calories from twinkies, potato chips and cookies? Would it be possible to lose weight eating just those foods each day? Sure, it would! But it wouldn’t be wise simply because eating low-quality foods (i.e. non-nutritious foods) creates chemical reactions in your body that work against weight loss and good health. For example, eating too much sugar results in an overproduction of insulin, which promotes weight gain.

Low Quality Food = Slower Metabolism

Another factor to consider is the density of calories in fattening foods, and how few of them you would need to eat to reach your daily calorie limit. That would result in eating very little amounts of food each day, which could trigger your metabolism to slow down to conserve energy. On the other hand, eating several small meals comprised of low-calorie, healthy foods each day helps keep your metabolism running strong.

Low Quality Food = Nutrition Deficiencies

Last but definitely not least, eating nothing but cookies and fast food burgers will undoubtedly have a negative impact on your overall health because your body needs more than the almost-zero nutrients they contain. When you eat foods from all food groups, you provide your body with the protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals it needs to function efficiently.