Side effects of Divya Mukta Vati (used for High Blood Pressure)?

I had symptoms of cold after taking this medicine, of which nasal congestion was major. Felt sluggish also.

yes same problem with me but i dont know what is the true reason for this problem

I too realize that I have lost the sensitivity to smell and nasal congestion after consuming Divya Mukta Vati for almost 4-5 months,
In addition, my pulse rate is also low after taking This vati. I am having 60 to 68 pulse rate after taking Divya mukta vati for 4-5 months

i have been taking DVM for 4 months… it has no doubbt brought down my bp to normal, but now it has resulted into sluggishness verging on slowness of my nervous system with concommitant factors such as numbness in the upper thighs and slowness of speech and feeling of extreme fatigue. hence i had to discontinue its use. is there no standardisation of the product??

I have anxiety chest pain can i take mukta vati tab i have no blood prehser problem plz tell how to use

I was taking Amtas-5 for B.P. unfortunately I started
taking Divya Mukta Vati.I feel breathlessness and admitted
to I.C.U. there I was admitted for three days.

After taking divya mukta vati, I do suffer from nasal congetion, breathing difficulty, dry skin and strain on lungs.

i used to have high blood pressur of 180 0ver 100 but with taking muktavati over a few tears i now have low blood pressur of 95 /50 but don’t want to stop it as it might shoot up

True side effects – everyone couldn’t all magically get the same symptoms while using this product… I experienced major nasal congestion, lethargy, falling asleep while driving, drained, wheezing, knee pain and breathlessness just by simply walking or going up steps… It took months for most of the symptoms to go away after I stopped taking the product… Hooray for those who didn’t get the side affects, but yes, the side affects are not worth it – seek doctors advice or try other herbal remedies, exercise, drop the pounds, juicing and eating raw and healthy but please do your research 1st… Read the reviews… Mukti Vita however dropped the numbers “perfectly” but I rather live without the side effects of feeling “sick” “congested” and/or “severe runny nose”, “tired” and “breathless”… Why continue to take if you’re miserable and when they’re affecting your overall well being… ???

when did you take Mukta Vati and for how long? I am considering at this time.

same problem, my pluse rate also below 60 around 54.

In my family three of us taking mukta vati regularly and observed significant wt. Gain.

Please take Divya Mukta Vati with warm COW MILK to avoid side effects. I had started DMV last week on detecting of High BP.

I started Muktavati 2 tabs twice a day 2 weeks back. For the past week i started feeling severe stuffiness of nose and now am also severely breathless on minimal exertion (better if i breathe thru mouth). From today i will stop evening dose so that i can sleep well.

2 tabs twice a day (4 tabs per day) is too much dose, Mukta Vati start working on 2nd or 3rd day effectively after taking. Nasal congestion is very common because of “sarpagandha”. Take dose of 2 tabs a day, may be evening 1 and morning 1 at start, might help for nasal congestion. I just take 1 tabs every alternate day (in the morning) and my BP is mostly normal. I take BP reading every 6 hr using wrist blood pressure monitor.

what I wanna know is is co q10 better the same or worse anyone know

I took Muktavati for about 15-20 days when i realised that the whole respiratory tract from the nose to the alveoli was getting blocked due to excessive secretions leading to stuffy nose (could not sleep at all), cough with frothy expectoration and breathlessness. Things starting becoming normal (took 15-20 days to be okay) after i stopped Muktavati after i read the comments of others on this site. Thanks to all of you.

I didn’t get any side effects, even I get one i will try continuing Mukta vati.This is a miraculous medicine, we can totally get rid of allopathic medicine. I was taking Lisanopril 20 Mg for 4 years. It won’t cure BP and moreover it will bring more side effects when getting old. I really believe in this Mukta vati, I have stopped using Lisanopril

whats your pulse rate because mine dropped a lot.

Yes Its true that people feel Nasal Congestion after taking Mukta Vati. I took the tablet for 15 - 20 days. when I realise that the nasal congestion is due to this I stopped taking it. But for past 2 months the nasal congestion is still their. Don’t know when it will go.